Windows 11:
Please follow the steps given below to uninstall Bit Driver Updater:
1. Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings. Or, you can click the Start button and select "Settings" from the list.
2. In the Settings section, click Apps from the left and select Apps & Features.
3. Locate 'Bit Driver Updater' in the Apps & Features section.
4. Click the three dots next to it and select Uninstall from the menu.
5. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.
6. Restart the system.
This will remove Bit Driver Updater from your system.
Windows 10:
Please follow the steps given below to uninstall Bit Driver Updater:
1. Click Start button on your taskbar and search Control Panel to open it.
2. In the Control Panel window, navigate to Programs > Uninstall a program option. (Note: If you're unable to find "Programs", go to "View By" towards the right of the screen and select "Category" from the drop-down list.)
3. In the next window, select Bit Driver Updater and right-click on it.
4. Click on the Uninstall option.
5. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.
This will remove Bit Driver Updater from your system.
Windows 8 and Windows 8.1:
Please follow the steps given below to uninstall Bit Driver Updater:
1. Open the Control Panel. To do so, either:
- Right-click on the Start button. A small menu will open. Click on the Control Panel option.
- Press the Windows + X keys together on your keyboard. A small menu will open. Here, click on the Control Panel option.
2. In the Control Panel window, navigate to Programs > Uninstall a program option. (Note: If you're unable to find "Programs", go to "View By" towards the right of the screen and select "Category" from the drop-down list.)
3. In the next window, select Bit Driver Updater and right-click on it.
4. Click on Uninstall option.
5. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.
This will remove Bit Driver Updater from your system.
Windows 7:
Please follow the steps given below to uninstall Bit Driver Updater:
1. Click Start button on your taskbar and select Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel window, click on Programs > Uninstall a program option. (Note: If you're unable to find "Programs", go to "View By" towards the right of the screen and select "Category" from the drop-down list.)
3. In the next window, select Bit Driver Updater and right-click on it.
4. Click on Uninstall option.
5. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.
This will remove Bit Driver Updater from your system.